Easyling Release Notes December, 2020

Jan 8, 2021 - Easyling.com

Happy New Year! I hope your holidays were as fabulous as ours. In December, we added features to the Dashboard 2.0 and we improved backend processes. We moved Sharing settings and the Payment options to the Dashboard 2.0 getting yet another step closer to finally shutting the old one down. We also redesigned the Publishing wizard to make it easier to use. See the details after the jump!

Sharing settings

The Sharing settings section was one of the first ones that we started working on when we started building the Dashboard 2.0. Understandably, you may want to ask what took us so long. Well… every iteration we did on it just felt off. We finally settled on the current design.

Sharing settings on the Dashboard 2.0

Note that this may not be its final version yet. We may further iterate over it to improve it. If you have any suggestions, please don’t hesitate to email us at support@easyling.com.


If it works, don’t fix it. This is what we kept saying to ourselves but there is no way around it. The Payment user interface had to be moved to the Dashboard 2.0 and we finally did it. You can expect the same features that were available on the old one.

Payment options

Publish wizard

There are so many ways to publish a project! They are quite difficult to fit all into the same wizard. This month’s release contains our latest iteration on it. We re-organised the options to make them clearer to everyone. We changed the options presented to ask what you want instead of how you want to set it up. We simplified the steps to ask a choice between 2 options at a time and we only allow you to continue with compatible options. To use the new wizard, all you need to know before starting is where you want to publish the content. Is it es.example.com? www.example.com/es/? Something completely different? It doesn’t matter, the wizard will guide you through the correct steps.

Publish wizard

Other changes

Naturally, we have a couple of minor things worth mentioning

  • All CORS related Access-Control-… headers are now passed through the proxy

  • When a crawl is running, and multiple log files are created, all but the last can now be opened in the Crawl log visualization filter