Easyling Changelog - v427

Jan 25, 2016 - Easyling.com

New features:

385  feature backend, Dropbox Dropbox queries batched for fewer emails
388 feature backend, caching ability to export source and target caches as ZIP archives (beta, no interface)
390 feature backend ability to store HTML classes in source entries, filter when creating WPGs and APT configurations (beta, no interface)
386 feature backend, XLIFF Add example pages in Work Package exports, add entry creation time
384 feature Dashboard, WPG only load 25 Work Packages, load 25 more on command


389 fix backend, Dropbox Dropbox notifications queried in batches, one email per account (beta, no interface)
391 fix backend, Work Packages change default WPG slicing limit to 20,000
392 fix Dashboard fix cursoring problem on WPG screen