Easyling release notes October, 2023

Nov 3, 2023 - Easyling.com

October felt pretty short to me. Does anyone else feel the same way? Anyway, the release notes will be short too. The main highlights are a couple of under-the-hood improvements for Crest, our JavaScript-based translation engine. Read the full article for the details.

Attribute translation improvement

HTML attributes are additional pieces of information added to elements that can alter their behaviour. A common example that needs translation is the placeholder attribute of input fields. The placeholder contains the text that will be displayed before the user adds their own content.

With the update released this month, we made sure that even if the placeholder is dynamic, we can follow the changes to make sure that the content is always translated. Naturally, this applies to all other attributes as well.

A picturesque fix

Web developers have two ways to insert images into their websites. The more common is with an img tag which we have supported for forever. The less common way is via a picture element. Using this allows developers more flexibility when it comes to displaying the right image on every screen size - e.g. showing a different image for mobile users that fit better on the smaller screen. We now support picture elements fully both via Translation Proxy and Crest.


We also had a couple of smaller improvements:

  • When you enter a sitemap in the Crawl wizard, it is now treated as if you copy-pasted the entire list as a Specific pages crawl. Note that the size limits on this list can’t be circumvented with this. The crawl may fail with exceedingly large sitemaps.
  • We implemented a system where the Translation progress update task slows itself down in case of errors happening due to a large amount of data being processed at the same time.