Easyling Release Notes October, 2022

Nov 2, 2022 - Easyling.com

Spooktober had surprisingly few spooky memes this year. Unfortunately, the number of feature releases we had this month is rather similar to that statistic. Don’t worry though, we improved the invite section and the experience of white label users as well as adding a couple of fixes. Read the full article for the details!

Invite dialog

Inviting multiple users required you to enter their email addresses in a comma-separated list. Only correctly formatted comma-separated lists were accepted and if there were lots of users, the only way to review them was scrolling through the input field. I think we can all agree that this is not the best experience to be had. So, we changed it!

The new dialog uses the same design found for example in the Advanced settings section. It represents the email addresses as “chips” that can be reviewed all at the same time and edited individually if necessary before sending the invites. Don’t worry, it still accepts comma-separated lists, it just splits them up to individual addresses.

Screenshot of the Invite section with the updated email input field

White label publishing

White label instances of Easyling have their own custom domains, such as app.proxytranslation.com. This domain is used for accessing the Dashboard, the preview and other proxy modes as well. The notable one is the temporary domain. This mode is used for subdirectory publishing.

An additional requirement on white label instances is that they require separate SSL certificates. The unfortunate side effect of this requirement is that when this certificate expires, the domain becomes unavailable. Notably, this includes temporary domains. So, forgetting to renew a certificate could break every project published via subdirectory publishing under that domain.

To address this, we added the option not to use the white label for publishing. Instead, the temporary domains can use our regular domain, app.easyling.com. The benefit to this is that we guarantee that this domain will be available ensuring high uptime for the translated websites.

Note: End users do not see the temporary domain. Only the person setting up the reverse proxy for subdirectory publishing does.

Tweaks and fixes

Naturally, we added a couple of smaller fixes:

  • We fixed an error where it wasn’t possible to download import logs via the link provided in the Import finished email if you weren’t logged in to Easyling.
  • We modified the email message we send when a new user becomes the owner of a project to clarify how the costs of the project are handled.