Easyling Release Notes June, 2021

Jul 1, 2021 - Easyling.com

“Was it a busy month?” asked the reader.
“Yes, it really was.” I replied.

This month, we improved so many things that it’s difficult to pick which ones to highlight. We revamped the Project overview, added new options to Advanced settings and unified the way resources and external links are handled. Read on for all the details!

Project overview

The project overview has tons of useful options at your fingertips. However, the more features we added, the more cluttered the old grid design looked. As a countermeasure, we decided to restructure it. The new design re-uses the design that worked so well on Advanced settings and adds a new flavour to it. Naturally, we welcome all feedback on support@easyling.com.

The revamped Project overview

Advanced settings

We added 2 new options to Advanced settings.

By default, the proxy strips out headers that aren’t needed for its operation to avoid potential clashes and/or security/SEO issues. On some pages, this meant that some expected headers were stripped out as well. We now added an option for you to specify these headers which will be passed through. You can find it under Advanced settings → Additional request headers.

The Additional request headers section of Advanced settings

The other one looks like a simple checkbox but it’s a feature that can allow entirely new workflows: it is now possible to schedule multiple recurring crawls. You can find this option, Enable multiple scheduled crawls, under Advanced settings → Miscellaneous settings.

Miscellaneous settings

When you enable it, the Crawl wizard and the Recurring crawl sections will change to accommodate multiple scheduled crawls. This allows you for example to set up a crawl that gathers content from the current page list every day and another that looks for new pages weekly. With this workflow, you can keep the current pages up to date every day (which is probably just a few sentences changed every now and then) and look for new pages weekly. You can then allocate extra resources to translating the new content but only if needed.

Example recurring crawl setup

You can also combine this feature with the also newly-released ability to specify the date when the first of the scheduled crawls should run. Scheduled crawls used to be quite restricted. The largest limitation used to be that you could only have one at a time. Additionally, the first one would start based on the current time when you started it. This made it difficult e.g. to run a crawl every Monday on a site. Luckily, we changed both of these. What will you use this freedom for?

Resources and External links used to have quite different workflows. You’d replace a Resource with its localised counterpart (or maybe add a link) but you’d localise External links by replacing them completely. We now allow External links to be replaced just like Resources. As a result, your workflow can now be identical. Do you have a PDF that you localised? It doesn’t matter what domain the original is on anymore.

JavaScript template literals

Did you know that in JavaScript, instead of the usual " or ‘, you can use the backtick character (`) to create strings? Such strings are called template literals and have a special property: you can put variables in them by writing a dollar sign and curly braces. So the following is completely valid.

let concat = "Published on " + date;
let templateLiteral = `Published on ${date}`;

These strings will be the same.

This month, we added support for the latter. I really recommend reading the section in our documentation to learn more about this new feature and its limitations.

Per-language project statistics

This has been a long-requested feature. Website owners tend to like their data as detailed as possible. With this month’s update, it’s now possible to specify the language for the statistics on the Dashboard 2.0. With this option, you’ll be able to better measure the positive impact that localising a website has on traffic and user engagement.

New filter for the statistics