Easyling Release Notes November, 2021

Dec 7, 2021 - Easyling.com

This month was dominated by the cold hard reality: it’s the winter and everything is cold and hard. In addition to that, we had a few bugs to squash. This was our main focus this month. We improved the Workbench, the Dropbox integration and added a few features to CREST, our improved JavaScript-based translation solution. This allowed us to make it the default JS solution for new projects as well. Read the full article for the details!


As regular readers of these articles may already know, aside from the Translation proxy, we offer a JavaScript-based translation solution to match other technology providers in the translation industry. CREST is the newest iteration. It adds new features and speeds up those that were present in the previous version. It’s been in beta-testing phase for a bit of time and even recommended to some users. This month’s update added versioning to ensure that the latest improvements and fixes are always available on your projects. With that, we are confident that it is ready for prime time so we made it the default.

Publishing a site with CREST is rather straightforward. You just need to add one line of JavaScript to the pages to be translated. You can find this script as well as a few options under Publish → Global settings.

CREST settings dialog


Our CAT tool in the browser is slowly but surely getting better and better. This month, we added the option to directly open Work packages in the Workbench from the Work package list. Additionally, it is now possible to use the search and replace feature to remove parts of a segment. Just don’t put anything in the Replace field. It will replace all matches with nothing.

Work package list with the Workbench link highlighted

We also added a small but rather useful button: targeted entry deletion. It is the rubbish bin icon on the top right of the Workbench. It allows you to delete the entries that you selected with just one click.

Targeted entry deletion button

Improved security

We recently had the security of our application audited. While we otherwise passed with flying colors, we were advised to add a few security-related headers to the requests that are used. These headers ensure that the latest security features of modern browsers are used. See below for a complete list:

  • Strict-Transport-Security
  • Content-Security-Policy
  • X-Content-Type-Options
  • Referrer-Policy
  • Permissions-Policy
  • Expect-CT
  • Cross-Origin-Embedder-Policy
  • Cross-Origin-Opener-Policy
  • Cross-Origin-Resource-Policy


This is just a small improvement but it’s certainly worth highlighting. The Dropbox integration now retries file uploads in case of minor errors. Even if things go pear-shaped the first time, you’ll get your XLIFFs in your Dropbox.